As we pivot to a new world scenario, learning is undergoing a major disruption, thus bringing a new world scenario, which is going to be enhanced only by having the right mindset. In the midst of uncertainty, chaos and confusion, the only way forward will be to harness challenges and convert impediments to steppingstones through a growth mindset.
Growth mindset in academia is an imperative today, as only through a positive and progressive approach can we lead ourselves into the new normal. ‘what’ to learn, ‘how’ to learn and ‘why’ to learn are becoming three critical queries of the 21st century. This is not because past learning processes have proved to be less effective, but more because future life scenarios envisage a significant shift from current learning orientations. The locus of responsibility has shifted from the teacher inside the classroom, to the umpteen learning opportunities in the outside world. Whereas this has in many ways made learning super exciting in real-time and uber-engaging to the mind; it has predicated confusion and chaos triggered by abundance of choices.
The first major shift is being witnessed in ‘what’ is learnt in the classrooms today. ‘What’ to be learnt needs to be defined by the relevance of times. Whereas the past witnessed harmony between the speed of change and speed of adaptation, today, signals a monumental disruption because the accelerated speed of change has outpaced adaptation. This is even more conspicuous, in the knowledge world, as ‘what’ was learnt yesterday is becoming redundant today and might become completely irrelevant tomorrow.
The dilemma of accommodating information in a constantly altering beta learning environment has created peculiarities of a different kind. The process of learning or ‘how’ one learns, has always been relegated by the emphatic thrust on ‘what’ to be learnt. Many learning environments continue to embrace a prescriptive learning approach, where learning is imparted as a monologue to the masses and where memorization of information is the be-all of learning. This unfortunately deters high order thinking and extinguishes the spark in a learner’s mind. Whereas this model thrived in the past; in today’s high demand era of specialized global skills and digital fluencies, its failure is imminent. There is an imperative need to metacognise and develop one’s abilities in understanding and thinking ‘how’ to learn.
With the world still trying to decode the predicament of the millennials and the future forecasting endless queries from the centennials; the purpose of learning needs to be demystified. ‘Why’ we learn has now become the most important question as it moves focus towards critical value creating opportunities that learners get through an experience.
Learning Value
With the three major indicators of ‘why’, ‘how’ and ‘what’ becoming the valued principles of learning, it becomes important to recast a new learning design with a growth mindset, that appositely takes care of the future of learning. The new learning conundrum requires a judicious blend of conceptual knowledge as its foundation with an interplay of practice as enrichment. Teachers’ role becomes even more critical in engaging students with rich, experiential, immersive and personalized experiences.
Today’s disruptive times are replete with uncertainty and ambiguity, but there are phenomenal opportunities in these exciting times. Future frontiers shall leverage data, analytics, artificial intelligence and all dramatic technology influences, where the need for super intelligent human brains who evolve as continuous learners and researchers shall become even more necessary. The purpose of learning is to augment the human spirit of inquiry, discovery and self-efficacy. The present era is a crucible for shaping this extraordinary human spirit, only if one can provide wind beneath the wings of young minds by giving them an extraordinary learning experience and this is only possible with a growth mindset.
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