Leveraging Social Media as Educators

Security, Education and Social Media
November 25, 2021
Leading to the future with a growth mindset
February 1, 2022

Leveraging Social Media as Educators

As educators become more active in the online space there are myriad possibilities of this digital footprint becoming a bane in the future. In many ways the extension of learning interactions outside the classroom needs to be safeguarded by following established practices around securing one’s identity and data.

Secure yourself
Keeping ourselves secure is a major responsibility of an educator today so that the social media becomes a tool for personal advantage through student outreach, innovative pedagogical interventions, community engagement etc whereby learning is no longer confined to the limits of the classroom. The social media space is also useful to capture student feedback and success, and that is a healthy practice for creating a positive sentiment but at the same time one needs to be cautious to prevent social media nightmares through ill-timed and negative posts. On several occasions, even the involvement in a social media group which promotes malicious intent can be tarnishing to your image as it is a validation and endorsement of the shared data.

Secure your association
Safeguarding of information is important while engaging with students via media as a poor judgement can lead to costly repercussions. One must remember the basic tenet of a formal association where ‘too much familiarity breeds contempt’, and that is exactly why one should be cautious in engaging in personal conversations in a professional space. There are several pitfalls of overindulgence and over sharing of one’s personal bearings on social media, which can present awkward moments of embarrassment in the future. A tweet once sent can be deleted but can always be retrieved and referred to, a WhatsApp DP can be used for personal messaging which is fine but if it becomes an opportunity to vent one’s frustration and lashing out on people, it can also cause unimaginable furore.

Be alert
Basics of business communication such as etiquette, sensitivity and respect for others needs to be practiced. Resorting to flaming or harbouring negative sentiments through one’s participation can only escalate issues and create more problems. Social media should not become a platform for personal vendetta, disparaging remarks and invasion into someone else’s comfort and space. Practices such as faking, doxing etc in Instagram, Facebook can have grave, deleterious consequences. Not only should one be cautious in indulging in any negative or controversial messaging, but one should also restrain from liking or promoting such patterns.

There is nothing daring in being loud mouthed and ostentatious on social media. Freedom of speech is an act of responsibility and a judicious use of knowledge sharing capabilities is what will garner respect and admiration in the future.

In this world of never-ending complexities, where information security in all its facets is going to be a huge future challenge, a very small contribution by us in being conscious and cautious citizens can go a long way in safeguarding the new education world we are stepping into. Use all forms of Social Media if you want- but use it for promoting your excellent qualities, to celebrate the beautiful moments, to enrich the learning journey and to rejoice in the awesomeness of your endeavours. Be authentic and be You!

Shradha Kanwar
Shradha Kanwar
Dr Shradha Kanwar, MPhil, PhD, is an academic professional with over 20 years’ experience in learning innovation leadership, interdisciplinary knowledge building, future-work integration, strategic performance and 21st century metacompetence development. Dr Shradha is the Chief Learning Officer at iNurture Education Solutions, a pioneering organization in the higher education space.

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