Augmented- the New Reality
June 7, 2021
The Future and the Future of Research
June 9, 2021

Redefining Research

ALVIN TOFFLER’S quote, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn”, holds so true for today’s research aspirants- and so relevant in the context of the current situation.

There is a lot happening around us that envisages an exciting, rewarding and progressive future for research. The impetus given to research and innovation through the National Education Policy draft has created a positive sentiment in the academic world in India. India’s stupendous journey of transforming higher education is driven by the true spirit of perseverance and team spirit.

 This now needs to be reflected in the quantum and quality of research that we do in our organisation. We are the consequence of who we are surrounded with. Our ecosystem, our peers, our students all converge into the creation of the unique individual that we become.

It is therefore necessary to understand how we can benefit from – our surroundings, the digital world, the physical space, the collaborating opportunities and the exuberance and rigour of young minds.

We need to create a cohesive eco-system and this should be the enabler of our future growth. Albert Einstein, said “No problem can be solved from the same level of consciousness that created it.”

This is so important in today’s world which is replete with highest degree of uncertainty and ambiguity.

We need new ways of looking at and interpreting things, new dimensions to anticipate unknown problems, and new perspectives on research for handling all the above. Opportunities shape our aspirational potential and we must make the best use of leveraging abundant opportunities that surround us. Creative explorations, systemic inquiry and investigation are all attributes of high quality educators and should be a natural ambition. Research is a beautiful opportunity for the liberation of fettered spirits from dogmatic compulsions into newer spaces of creating a new research paradigm. Let us begin a renewed chapter to emerge as frontrunners of high quality scholarship and thought leaders in the true sense.!

Shradha Kanwar
Shradha Kanwar
Dr Shradha Kanwar, MPhil, PhD, is an academic professional with over 20 years’ experience in learning innovation leadership, interdisciplinary knowledge building, future-work integration, strategic performance and 21st century metacompetence development. Dr Shradha is the Chief Learning Officer at iNurture Education Solutions, a pioneering organization in the higher education space.

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