What is the future?
This question has always bemused the curious, inquisitive human mind and propelled us to delve into the unknown and question the impossible. Humans by nature have an intrinsic trait of being natural problem solvers.
Early man in the earliest of centuries obtained a certain delight by striking two stones together and creating fire. Although the science behind friction that results in generation of heat between two substances was unknown at that time, nevertheless, the insatiable curiosity of the human mind to explore more and more triggered the act to ignite.
It was this very organic human trait that gave wings through the invention of the first aircraft, and paved the way for many innovations that continue to showcase the supreme human prowess of wanting to do something new.
As times change- so do the ramifications on what happens next. Today is a completely different scenario that the world is being exposed to and this has affected the world of academia like never before.
Information is inundating our lives, and technology is disrupting our minds. On one hand we have the unfortunate eventualities caused by a small micron size virus that has invaded our lives like never before and on the other hand is the drive to surpass and defy all odds to redefine the next normal.
Responding intelligently to a given situation and evolving with more finesse in chaotic times are also unique human qualities and therefore – despite all the cynicism and disillusionment that might be existing around us, we will bounce back.
What is the future of research?
The future of work in all its chaos and ambiguity, provides an interesting push to pivot towards the next normal and this is characteristic of the research path that beholds us. From bots to deep learning experiences that are likely to impact of all facets of scholarly lives, we surely have a lot to learn and contribute towards.
Let us not be contained by the prescription of what others demand from us, but let us be clear about ‘our intent’. Let us embark on this journey with a spirited drive so that the initiative that we take serves our purpose. It is important in today’s times to measure the quality of our initiative with the right success parameters- so that our efforts provide the necessary impact. This impact on a personal level can be in elevating research and scholarship standards and on an extended level would be about changing the socio-economic landscape of the world we are trying to build.
Finally, in today’s overwhelming times where the temptation of read-to-use information is so alluring, it becomes more critical to establish our standards and ensure academic integrity. Data analysis, data science, data engineering and the entire world of data seems be reigning supreme, and alongside, everything digital from devices, to homes to cities are contesting with the smart human brains. Research as an integral part of the academic world is also undergoing change and we at iNurture should be the torchbearers of research in the 21st century. The time has arrived to demystify research and give it a new feel which characterises the true human spirit to resurge, research and rejoice.